Grossly Inappropriate

A review of current events, culture, the arts, contemporary society, and anything else I can possibly get my hands on.

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Location: Cambridge, MA

I'm a 22-year old registered Democrat and meat lover who has lots of angst against social injustices and (for now) too much time on his hands. I was born in Hong Kong, raised in California, and educated at Amherst College in Amherst, Massachusetts. I currently reside in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Iraq Obviousness

General Petraeus made the brilliant observation in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee yesterday that the planned increase in troop levels and new tactics should enable American and Iraqi forces to provide security in Baghdad.

good thinking, David.

it makes sense, don't it? new tactics should enable us to provide security because our old ones didn't work. and more troops? well, at some point we just overrun the entire city with American presence and punch the lights out of anyone who dares besmirch America's great name.

as Susan Collins (R-ME) has pointed out, we've had four troop surges in Iraq since the beginning of hostilities, none of which has produced any significant results in terms of de-escalating the sectarian violence. from a strategic perspective, it seems rather clear that the logic at this point should not so much focus on how many more resources to put towards a cause that's imploding and exploding in every direction, but rather on how to wisely and carefully remove ourselves and cut our losses as quickly as possible.

I'm so glad Bush has found another military talking-head for his butthead policies.


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