Grossly Inappropriate

A review of current events, culture, the arts, contemporary society, and anything else I can possibly get my hands on.

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Location: Cambridge, MA

I'm a 22-year old registered Democrat and meat lover who has lots of angst against social injustices and (for now) too much time on his hands. I was born in Hong Kong, raised in California, and educated at Amherst College in Amherst, Massachusetts. I currently reside in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Monday, February 19, 2007

I regret that this is turning into an anti-Mitt Romney blog, only because there are so many other worthwhile things to rant about in the world and so many other injustices to expose.

But Mitt Romney is just too much of a tool to let alone.

Today, the Globe reported that Mitt had joined the NRA only six months ago, reversing gun control positions he'd held when he ran as a moderate Republican for the US Senate in 1994. Back then, the "good" Mitt supported registration waiting periods and a ban on assault weapons. The "lifetime membership" he bought is already raising eyebrows, as more long-standing gun advocates are questioning is motives for joining the movement only months before declaring his presidential ambitions, all the while pandering to other conservative causes as well.

I'm not sure where having AK-47s floating around neighborhood playgrounds counts in the "well regulated militia" part of the Second Amendment, but, if Mitt and his fellow gun crazies really want to play, maybe they should go hunting with Dick Cheney. Since the NRA seems to be doing such a bang-up job of educating people about how not to shoot other people in the face, the rest of us will just have to hope that they'll take each other out before long.

It's also quite funny (and loathsome) that Mitt Romney is so intent on making portraying himself as a leader capable of escaping the influence of the Mormon cult leadership that he seems to have forgotten Church teachings. When George Stephanopoulous asked Mitt what Muslims might think of the Mormon belief that Christ will return in the Second Coming to New Jerusalem (somewhere in Missouri) and reign for 1,000 years, Mitt replied defensively: "that doesn't happen to be a doctrine of my church."

Oh, really?

"Our belief is just as it says in the Bible, that the messiah will come to Jerusalem, stand on the Mount of Olives, and that the Mount of Olives will be the place for the great gathering and so forth," Mitt elaborated.

"..And so forth"?

Doctrine and Covenants 57:2
documents a revelation to Joseph Smith in Jackson County, Missouri, where God supposedly proclaimed that the city of Independence "is the land of promise, and the place for the city of Zion," Zion being the gathering place of the faithful Mormons after the Second Coming of Christ.

Looks like someone should stop reading NRA literature and read his own religious books instead.


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